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Trading Standards Investigations

Trading Standards Investigations

Trading Standards Investigations

The Farleys SCU (Special Casework Unit) includes a team of trading standards solicitors with extensive experience of preparing defence strategies for businesses and individuals accused of trading standards violations.

If you are currently involved in a trading standards case, or are worried about a potential or developing situation, contact the specialist fraud and business crime solicitors at Farleys SCU on 01254606008 or email us.

Trading Standards Investigations

Trading standards is a broad term, covering a huge range of constantly evolving pieces of legislation designed by central government to protect consumers. Investigations in this area could be prompted by a violation of accepted standards in:

  • Consumer/Buyer Rights
  • Food Safety
  • Animal Welfare
  • Sale of Age-Restricted Products
  • Fair Trading
  • Food Labelling

When you contact Farleys SCU our trading standards lawyers are well equipped to quickly provide a full analysis of the case against you, detailing the violation or violations which have been cited and possible methods of defence if the case reaches court.

Have You Been Accused of a Trading Standards Violation?

It is important to remember that, due to the complex nature of trading standards legislation, businesses and individuals can often find themselves inadvertently facing prosecution or disciplinary measures. If you have been accused of a trading standards violation, it is therefore important that you seek legal advice as soon as possible, from a solicitor with the appropriate knowledge to advise you of the validity of the accusations levelled against you.

Our solicitors will be able to negotiate with Trading Standards, in an attempt to prevent the case from proceeding to court.

Court Proceedings

If the progression of your case to court proves unavoidable, rest assured that Farleys’ team of trading standards specialists will draw upon all the resources available to the SCU in order to prepare a strong case for your defence. Over the last ten years, our team of serious fraud and business crime solicitors have successfully defended clients in cases relating to a variety of trading standards violations.

Contact Farleys SCU

If you feel that you would benefit from an initial consultation with an experienced trading standards solicitor, contact Farleys SCU today on
01254606008 or email us.

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