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Bankruptcy – Duty to Co-operate

Legal Advice on Duty to Co-operate in Bankruptcy

When an individual is made bankrupt they have a duty to co-operate with the Official Receiver or trustee in bankruptcy (“the Officeholder”). These duties are found within s291, s312 and section 333 of the Insolvency Act 1986.

A full list of duties is given to the bankrupt at the beginning of the process. A number of those which are:

If a bankrupt fails to co-operate, without reasonable excuse, then they could be compelled to attend Court to be questioned on oath and be ordered to produce relevant documents. In the most severe cases an application for a warrant of the arrest of the bankrupt can be made if the bankrupt does not comply. The Official Receiver / Trustee in Bankruptcy will normally seek other means of enforcement, for example public examination, and consider an application for a warrant for arrest only after other action has proved unsuccessful.

Contact a Bankruptcy Expert

Farleys acts on behalf of both bankrupts and trustees in bankruptcy, providing accurate advice on their duties within the bankruptcy procedure. If you unsure of your position or what your duties are, then we recommend seeking legal advice.

contact a corporate recovery solicitor

f you are looking for more information or guidance in respect of bankruptcy and your duties please get in touch as soon as possible on 0333 331 4380.

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