If you are concerned about an upcoming health and safety investigation, or you would simply like to ensure that your business is operating within existing health and safety legislation, contact the environmental law and health and safety experts at Farleys.
We specialise in advising businesses on health and safety compliance, and are also capable of defending individuals and businesses facing prosecution over allegations relating to breaches in health and safety regulations.
Health and Safety Solicitors
Health and safety investigations are launched by the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) in response to complaints or incidents in the workplace. Typically these take the form of an incident involving significant harm or the potential for significant harm, an allegation that an employer is denying employees’ basic welfare facilities or a complaint which implies that there has been some other serious breach of health and safety law such as the Health and Safety (Offences) Act 2008.
If your business is found to be in violation of health and safety law, the HSE has access to a variety of enforcement options, including:
- Issuing cautions
- Varying licence, conditions or exemptions
- Where a criminal offence has been committed, prosecution
- Providing information or advice on future adherence to health and safety regulations
- Withdrawing approvals
The team of experienced environmental law and health and safety solicitors at Farleys can help you avoid HSE investigations and subsequent enforcement of regulations, by ensuring your business is operating within established guidelines. If you are facing the possibility of criminal prosecution, our solicitors will prepare a strong case for your defence.