It is a fact of modern life that many people can face debt problems and financial difficulties. With access to credit remaining tight, along with the stagnant nature of the UK property market, finding yourself in problematic financial circumstances is all too easy.
Following an increasing demand by our sports clients to provide debt and insolvency advice, Farleys has put together a ‘financial crisis team’ to provide a single, cohesive service.
We provide advice and assistance for both businesses and individuals who are affected by debt or credit problems, expect to be affected or want to protect themselves as much as possible in the event of financial difficulties.
Our financial crisis team consists of a team of specialist solicitors, able to provide you with relevant advice in personal insolvency and bankruptcy, debt management, individual voluntary arrangements (IVA) and corporate financing and restructuring.
Our experienced solicitors will be able to talk you through the various available options, which will be dependent on your individual circumstances, and advise you on the best possible solution.