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Player Transfer Agreements

Player Transfer Agreements

Player Transfer Agreements

In the highly competitive world of sport it is important to seek legal advice at the outset to ensure that your interests are suitably protected and catered for. This is especially important when negotiating a transfer agreement. There is an inherent need to maximise any financial reward in what can sometimes be a short-lived career.

Advice for Protecting Commercial Interests

Sports contracts involving transfer agreements for players are incredibly complex. Farleys’ specialist sports law solicitors possess a wealth of experience in this area and are experts at drafting such agreements to maximise the benefit to the particular client. We regularly advise and represent clients on the regulatory framework governing player transfers in a multitude of different sports. Our vast knowledge of the intricate legal provisions and the commerciality of the sporting arena allows us to successfully protect the specific interests of the client.

The negotiation and formulation stages of such agreements are inherently complex. It is therefore integral to consider every eventuality to include relevant bonuses such as goal or event victory bonuses and clauses specific to promotion or relegation. We have experience of representing individuals, clubs and associations in transfer negotiations. We also regularly provide advice on any sponsorship deals, intellectual property rights and merchandising provisions stemming from such transfers.

Recent Cases

Farleys have recently acted for clients in respect of:

  • A Premier League transfer agreement
  • A loan agreement between a Premier League and Championship club
  • A transfer agreement involving a Premier League footballer moving to a European League
  • Advice re: Agent representation contracts
  • Advice re: Compromise agreements
  • The renewal of sporting contracts in a variety of different sports
  • Advice to football clubs on the Financial Fair Play (FFP) Regulations

Contact a Sports Law Solicitor

Here at Farleys we possess a Sports Law Department dedicated to resolving any issues that may arise in respect of a Player Transfer Agreement. For specialist advice on transfer agreements please do not hesitate to contact us on 01254606008, alternatively please complete an online enquiry form.

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