One of the aspects to be dealt with during the administration of a person’s estate is to deal with any property or properties which are owned by the person who has passed away.
Farleys residential property and private client teams can work together and alongside you and your family to ensure the sale or assent of the property runs smoothly at a difficult time.
In order to sell or transfer the property of someone who has died, you must have a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration appointing you as their Executor or Administrator of the estate. Our solicitors can assist you with this and advise and assist on any aspect which may disrupt the sale of the property including any possible inheritance disputes and the payment of any inheritance tax and the delivery of the required Tax Returns. We can also ensure any debts owed by the estate are dealt with from the sale of the property.
If you do not have a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration, Farleys’ private client team can assist you in obtaining this to enable you to sell or assent property on behalf of the late owner. Common documents you will need in order to instruct a solicitor to obtain this are:
- Original will
- Death certificate
- National Insurance number
- ID (Passport/Driving Licence) for you
- Utility bills (including information on outstanding debts)
- Bank and Building Society statements
- Credit card statements
- Property deeds
- Mortgage information
- Details of shares and savings
- Details of pensions received or due
- Funeral expenses
We know it can be daunting to gather all of this information at a difficult time but Farleys Solicitors will always help wherever possible and will give you the time and information you need. We have a friendly yet professional approach to legal services, helping to make the process as straightforward as possible.