On the 9th September 2016 the National Crime Agency published their annual assessment of serious and organised crime within the United Kingdom. The 53 page document lists the top threats as being child sexual exploitation and abuse,  organised immigration crime, cyber crime,  firearms and  High-end money laundering in addition to modern slavery and human trafficking, bribery and corruption, drugs, economic crime, criminal use of identity and of internet technology, and foreign national offenders.

The National Crime Agency Director General Lynne Owens is quoted as saying “the threat from serious and organised crime continues to evolve and has done so over the last year in ways that have attracted considerable and understandable public attention.”

Economic crime remains a continued threat. The Attorney General, Jeremy Wright, within his speech to the Cambridge Symposium on Economic Crime on the 5th September 2016 commented that on the question as to who commits economic crime reported that “55% of UK respondents have experienced economic crime and that is more than the global average of 36%. 44% of those who did experience economic crime in the last two years had experienced cybercrime and importantly, 31% of the frauds in the last 24 months were committed by staff and 18% by senior management within companies.”

With £175 million of assets confiscated in 2015-16 there continues to be an increase in the amount of prosecuted fraud cases. Whilst the attorney general made reference to a large scale mortgage fraud to the value of £300 million in Teeside Crown Court last year, the government’s push to hold accountable senior corporate executives is manifestly evident. Previously proposed by David Cameron, new laws are now sought with the objective of tackling white collar crime and developing corporate responsibility.

The drive over recent years to bring to justice those who commit fraud remains unrelenting with new legislation, proposed legislation and increased tariffs.

At Farleys we have a specialist team of criminal defence solicitors who specialise in serious crime, business crime, and serious fraud. We can provide advice and representation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on all areas of fraud, business and serious crime. If you have been accused of involvement in relation to money laundering or fraud offence, or indeed serious crime in any capacity, it is vital that you speak to a criminal defence solicitor at the earliest opportunity. Early advice is often crucial. For 24 hour advice via our emergency crime line, call 01254 606050.