Many people cycle to and from work to save on travel costs, keep fit or simply because they enjoy the fresh morning air! With the dark nights drawing in and the dark mornings quickly approaching, it is important to ensure you continue to stay safe, alert, and within the parameters of the law when cycling on the roads.

Laws Relating to Cycling in the Dark

It’s important to know that there are various regulations that apply to cyclists between sunset and sunrise. These are governed by the Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations and following them should help you avoid a £50 fixed penalty notice!

Your bicycle must have:

  1. White front light on the right hand/centre of your handlebars

  2. Red rear lights (lights must be continuously lit or flashing at 1-4 flashes per second)

  3. Amber reflectors on the front and back of your pedals

What Does the Highway Code Say?

The Highway Code also gives advice and guidance for cyclists at Section 59 to 82. Although not a legal requirement, they give helpful tips such as wearing a helmet which is the correct size and securely fastened, wearing light-coloured or fluorescent clothing and shoes which helps other road users to see you, and fitting other lights or reflectors to your bike.

In addition to the above, when cycling you should always:

  • Keep both hands on the handlebars, except when signalling

  • Keep both feet on the pedals when cycling

  • Ride in single file wherever possible

  • Keep a safe distance between you and other vehicles

  • Obey all traffic signals and signs

Following the above will give you the best possible chance of staying safe when cycling in the dark.  However, we know that even being the most brightly lit cyclist on the road unfortunately does not always mean you avoid being in involved in an accident.

If you or someone you know has been injured as a result of an accident whilst cycling, contact one of our experienced personal injury team for a free no-obligation assessment of your case. You can call us on 0845 287 0939, contact us by email or use the online chat below.