The Licensing Act 2003 introduced the Temporary Event Notice (TEN) to enable venues without a premises licence to host events at which licensable activities will take place.
Licensable activities in the context of a TEN are:
the playing of recorded, unamplified and amplified live music, karaoke, performance of dances or plays, and indoor sporting events between 11 pm and 8 am;
serving of hot food between 11 pm and 5 am;
and the sale of alcohol, film screening, boxing, wrestling or martial arts matches and any form of adult entertainment at any time.
TENs are limited to events at which there will be no more than 499 people in attendance and the usual licensing rules apply. Each premises is limited to 15 TENs in any calendar year for an aggregate of 21 days, with each TEN lasting a maximum of 168 hours.
You do not need a personal licence to apply for a TEN. If you have a personal licence you can apply for 50 TENs in any twelve-month period, of which ten can be late TENs. Without a personal licence you can apply for five TENs in each year, of which two can be late TENs.
In order to apply for a TEN, a specific form must be completed and submitted to the Local Authority Licensing Department at least ten days before the planned event. A Late TEN can be applied for no less than five days before the event.
The application will be reviewed and either rejected or approved. Unlike a premises licence application, a TEN application does not need to be advertised or go to public consultation. The local police are given two working days to make any objections once the application is submitted, if they believe the event may lead to crime and disorder.
Once the TEN has been issued, a copy must be kept on the premises throughout the duration of the event.
If you wish to hold an event and provide regulated activities for customers or guests, and require guidance on how to do this, please contact Farleys’ licensing specialists on 0845 287 0939, complete our online contact form, or use the chat button below.