A horrific house fire occurred in Accrington yesterday. The fire, which tore through the resident’s home, was reportedly caused by an e-scooter battery. The incident is said to have required three fire engines with firefighters using breathing apparatus and hose reel jets to extinguish the fire. Thankfully, it is reported that no one was injured.
Incidents like these can happen very quickly and can often cause serious injuries to those involved so we were glad to hear of no injuries in this instance, particularly with the fire being so fierce.
In instances where defective products do cause injuries, there are some things you should know.
Injured by a defective product – what can I do?
In circumstances where a product has malfunctioned or broken and this has caused injury, this may give rise to a personal injury claim against the manufacturer, supplier, distributor or retailer. This is governed by the Consumer Protection Act which states that the trader of a product may be liable for any death, injury, or damage to personal property caused by a defective product.
What do I need to prove?
For a claim to succeed, you need to be able to prove:
The product was defective in manufacture or design
You were using the product as intended
You were injured as a result of the product malfunctioning or breaking
Examples of potential claims:
Examples of situations which can potential give rise to a personal injury claim include:
Injuries caused by defective appliances or equipment
Injuries caused by defective medical devices, implants or drugs
Injuries caused by defective vehicles
Injuries caused by defective hair products (such as straighteners, curlers or dryers)
Injuries caused by contaminated cosmetic products
Injuries caused by contaminated pre-packaged food
Injuries caused by faulty gym equipment
What to do if I have been injured?
If you have been injured as a result of a defective product, the first thing to do is ensure your injuries are checked over by a medical professional, such as at the hospital or by your GP. You should also take photographs of your injuries and the defective product.
Make sure to keep hold of the defective product, the packaging it came in, the instructions/manual and the receipt or proof of purchase for the product.
Finally, contact a specialist solicitor to deal with your personal injury case. Our specialist team have dealt with many claims where individuals have been injured by defective products, such as a faulty bike where we got our client £4,000 for his injuries.
If you have been injured as a result of a defective product, Farleys has a team of personal injury specialists on hand to advise you on the possibility of making a claim for compensation. Contact us today on 0845 287 0939, contact us by email, or through the online chat below.