The safety of new drivers on the roads is a paramount concern amongst road safety campaigners and organisations. Many argue inexperience leaves newly passed drivers at greater risk of being involved in road traffic accidents, needlessly endangering themselves and others. Figures released by the RAC would appear to confirm this worry as 234 teenage car passengers were seriously or fatally injured in traffic collisions involving drivers aged 17 to 19 in 2013 alone.
This statistic is even more shocking when you look at the percentage of young drivers in relation to road collisions resulting in death or serious injury. Despite 17 to 19 year olds making up just a fraction of UK license holders at 1.5 percent they were involved in 12 percent of fatal road traffic accidents.
Car safety charity Brake attributes this disproportionate statistic to the fact that young drivers are more likely to take serious risks such as driving under the influence and speeding without fully realising the consequences of their actions. This has resulted in calls for the government to introduce sanctions for newly qualified drivers involving restrictions on driving passengers and driving at night time, in line with restrictions in place in other EU countries.
Evidently, increasing safety and awareness among young drivers is one that requires immediate attention. The devastation that road traffic accidents can cause is incomprehensible especially where victims are fatally injured causing loss and devastation to the families involved. Whilst the Government consider the options available for tackling this problem, it is important victims of road traffic accidents are aware of the legal options available to them.
As a personal injury solicitor who has acted on behalf of those involved in road traffic collisions, I have witnessed first hand the life changing effect an incident can have. Often in serious cases, victims require extensive rehabilitation or even life long medical care and support. Pursuing a compensation claim can provide families with necessary funds to gain access to first class medical treatment that their loved ones so desperately need.
Contacting a solicitor who specialises in road traffic accidents is essential in securing the optimum settlement. Each case much be assessed on an individual basis, requiring specific care and attention to ensure the effected party receives a settlement tailored to their needs. If you or a loved one has been involved in a road traffic incident contact Farleys’ personal injury team on 0845 050 1958, or email us today to discuss your claim.