House of Fraser has announced a number of stores are to close with many roles at risk of redundancy.
Around 31 stores will shut by early 2019 after a court dispute with a group of landlords who own several of the buildings has now settled.
It has been reported that the closure will result in the loss of around 6000 jobs, being 2000 House of Fraser employees and 4000 concessions staff.
The announcement has understandably had an unsettling effect on staff of House of Fraser as some are now left with an uncertain future at the company.
If you are an employee of House of Fraser affected by this announcement or if you are an employee faced with the threat of redundancy it is crucial that you understand your legal position and the options available to you.
You should be aware of your entitlements, including notice pay and statutory redundancy pay, If you are unsure you should obtain the relevant documentation detailing your entitlements in such situations and the correct company procedures. The company may also have a contractual redundancy policy entitling you to enhanced payments.
In cases like this, where the company proposes to consult around 6000 employees, collective consultation applies.
Your employer has a series of set processes that it must adhere to. They are bound by law to follow these procedures including regarding fair selection and consultation.
Understanding your legal position and options at an early stage may give you scope to protect your position at work or to negotiate an increased redundancy package.
Farleys Solicitors LLP specialise in all areas of HR and employment law for all levels of employees.
If you require advice and assistance in relation to compulsory or voluntary redundancies; re-structures and re-organisations; variation of employment contracts; settlement (compromise) agreements and termination / severance packages, please contact Farleys Employment Law & HR team on 0845 287 0939 or email us today.