The BBC today are one of the first large organisations to hit the news admitting they have a ‘gender pay problem’, as a newly published annual report revealed serious discrepancies in salaries between men and women working across its organisation.
The broadcasting giant are understandably facing a backlash following the reports and have pledged to end the gap after admitting that two thirds of its highest paid employees are male.
Why have the BBC published this information?
As of 6 April 2017, the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations came into force, meaning that each year, large organisations (public, private and voluntary) with 250+ employees are under a legal obligation to report data in regards to employee pay and bonus pay, as well as information on the number of men and woman in each quartile of the organisations pay distribution.
What does a gender pay report need to include?
- Both the mean and median pay gap between male and female employees in your organisation
- Information on the number of men and woman working in particular quartiles
- The mean bonus pay gap between male and female employees
If you are a large business that fits the above criteria, then you need to give serious consideration to your gender pay report, which will need to be published by 4 April 2018 at the absolute latest. This data must be published on both your website and a government website.
If you require any assistance with gender pay gap reporting obligations please contact Farleys Employment Law & HR team on 0845 287 0939 or complete our online contact form.