Paedophile former scout leader Philip Longbottom, aged 69 of Shipley, West Yorkshire has been given a second life sentence for sexually abusing boys. He was originally jailed in 2016 after being found guilty of multiple counts of rape, serious sexual assaults and indecent assault against young boys over a period of 40 years. This month he was returned to court from prison and was convicted of a further 15 serious, sexual offences against boys between the ages of 10 and 17 years old.
Bradford Crown Court heard how Longbottom “systematically sought out and hunted down” his victims before sexually abusing them. He would use his wealth, influence and position of trust to befriend and effectively ‘groom’ victims and their families whilst bribing them with alcohol, money, meals and sweets. He would also threaten the children in order to silence them.
The former scout leader and sea cadet district officer took the youngsters to Cowling Pinnacle, West Yorkshire as well as other locations including mills and also his then home near Keighley. He would then commit a variety of serious sexual acts upon them.
His victims have spoken about the effect that Longbottom’s actions have had on their lives with many describing the ‘shame, guilt and ruined childhoods’, leaving them feeling ‘worthless’ and having turned to self-harm, alcohol abuse and considering suicide.
As is frequently the case with these types of offences/convictions, it is expected that there will be many other victims who have not yet come forward to disclose their own accounts of abuse by Longbottom. West Yorkshire Police have stated that all reports they receive will be investigated sensitively by specially trained officers and they have encouraged further victims to come forward so that Longbottom can be held accountable.
I act for many victims with claims against the Scout Association and/or perpetrators directly. I also represent victims of Longbottom and others who have instructed me to represent them in submitting applications to and running cases with the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA).
Farleys Solicitors specialise in this area of law and we have a specialist department dedicated to abuse victims. We can be contacted in the strictest of confidence to discuss matters via our dedicated Abuse Line 0330 034 6430 or via our online contact form.