It is interesting to hear in the news today that Sir Clement Freud is being accused of sexually abusing children in particular Sylvia Woosley.
The interesting side to this story for a lawyer specialising in abuse claims is the length of time that has passed since the abuse occurred.
One of the hardest parts of my job is always finding evidence to corroborate a victim’s claim. The Clement Freud story is an excellent example of how, even after sixty years a claim of this nature can be proved.
In the Clement Freud case the investigative team have found various pieces of evidence which corroborate the claim of Sylvia Woosley. Her school records have been obtained. Evidence from a tenant in the home where she was abused has also been found. Another witness has come forward who posted anonymously on the internet after Clement Freud’s death.
The weight of evidence is such that rather than issuing a denial the family of Clement Freud have issued an apology.
If you have been abused many decades ago it is not too late to come forwards. There is often a wealth of evidence that can be found in school records, Social Services records and medical records and from contemporaries that will help corroborate your case.
We regularly secure damages for clients abused many decades earlier and the press at present is full of stories of abusers being imprisoned for offences committed lifetimes earlier. The most startling example recently is of a man facing criminal charges who is over 100 years of age.
Unfortunately, the affects of abuse, often mean that it can be many years before a victim is strong enough to come forward and report the crime but this should not prevent a claim being brought as long as there is sufficient evidence to prove the case.
For any help or advice in relation to abuse claims, contact our specialist team today.