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Client A receives £85,000 damages from CICA

Client A receives £85,000 damages from CICA

Jonathan Bridge of Farleys Solicitors acted for Client A in a claim for damages following historic abuse.

Client A only came forward when Jonathan had successfully concluded a similar claim for her boyfriend.

By an awful coincidence they had suffered unrelated sexual abuse as they grew up and Client A only agreed to pursue a claim when her boyfriend’s case had successfully been concluded.

Client A’s case presented the usual challenges to Farleys specialist abuse claims department. The Applicant was significantly out of time in bringing the claim. Evidence was sought from the Applicant’s treating psychiatrist who supported the contention that symptoms arising from the abuse were partly to blame for the Applicant’s delay in coming forward. Further evidence was obtained from such psychiatrist to establish that the Applicant had a permanently disabling mental condition as a result of the abuse.

This is a case where Farleys solicitors successfully argued that not only should the Applicant receive a tariff award from the CICA but also a payment for Loss of Earnings.

Significant work was carried out in establishing the Applicant’s work history and the extent to which this had been affected by the childhood abuse and subsequent psychiatric injury.

An award of over £85,000 was made to the Applicant to compensate her for Loss of Earnings and a tariff award in relation to the abuse. This was an unusually high award and reflected the severe psychiatric symptoms the Applicant had suffered since the abuse took place.

Client A’s comments:

I was pleased with the sympathetic and professional way Farleys and the CICA handled the case.  The level of damages awarded will enable me to get on with my life as I haven’t been able to work for many years due to psychological injuries caused by my abuse.

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