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Abuse Claims Farleys Solicitors LLP
Abuse Claims Farleys Solicitors LLP

Client B Receives £35,000 Compensation Following Childhood Abuse

Client B contacted Farleys as a result of abuse that she suffered during childhood.


She had a difficult start in life. She never knew her father and her natural mother was unable to cope with her which resulted in her living with a foster carer from the age of approximately eighteen months old. She would still see her mother at weekends but, by the age of five, this arrangement came to an end and she was placed with a long-term foster family.

Within a year of moving into the home of the foster family, her foster father began to abuse her. She was sexually abused by him over a three year period from 1998 to 2001. As is often the case in these matters she was initially groomed and abused psychologically before he took advantage and began to sexually abuse her.

Our client had disclosed her abuse to various people, including a child therapist and the police.

How our expert team were able to help

It was also established in this case that there was no point pursuing the step-father of Client B because he was penniless.

Farleys were successful in arguing on behalf of our client that whilst the Council could not have known about the abuse when it began, they were eventually aware of it and failed to intervene to protect our client. Arguments were also advanced that the Council had a non-delegable duty to our client (they couldn’t pass liability onto a third party). Furthermore, the claim against the Council succeeded even though it was significantly out of time.

Our client was awarded damages of £35,000 in relation to abuse that she suffered over fifteen years ago and the subsequent psychiatric injury.

This case further emphasises that it is possible to bring claims against Local Authorities for their failings when those failings result in abuse even if the claims are considerably out of time.

Speak With an Expert in Abuse Claims

If you have suffered childhood abuse and would like to discuss the possibility of making a claim for damages, our expert abuse team can help. Contact us in confidence on 0330 134 6430, by email, or through the online chat below.

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