Recent figures collated by a North West Charity show that there has been a 33% increase in the number of reported sex crimes.
A recent article in the Lancashire Telegraph states that there were 2656 sex crimes reported between April 2015 and March 2016. A local charity, The Wish Centre, which supports victims of sex crimes and domestic violence have seen a 138% increase in victims requiring their support over the past 12 months.
It is difficult to determine if there are more cases or more people reporting them, but undoubtedly high profile cases such as Jimmy Saville are encouraging more and more victims of sexual assault/abuse to come forward. This increase can be seen all over the Country with both historical and more recent cases being reported.
Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner Clive Grunshaw, who launched a specialist support service for victims of sexual abuse said; ‘I am heartened that reporting is increasing in Lancashire’. ‘For years we have been talking about sexual offences as ‘hidden crimes’ and these increases just show wide-spread these awful crimes are and have been. We are seeing offenders from all walks of life which is why I have committed to dedicated victims services and more resources to deal with non-recent investigations’.
Here at Farleys Solicitors we have also seen a dramatic increase in enquires from people who have suffered sexual assault/abuse, with the abuse page on our website being one of the most visited pages.
We welcome the media focus on high profile historic cases as it is giving people the confidence and strength to come forward. Whether you are the victim of a recent crime or a historical one you should now have the confidence to come forward, knowing that help and support is readily available.
If you have been the victim of sexual assault/abuse or know someone who has contact us today for confidential consultation.
Farleys Solicitors have a dedicated specialist team of lawyers experienced in speaking to and seeking justice for sexual assault/abuse victims.
If you would like to speak to a member of our specialist team please call 0845 287 0939 or complete an online enquiry form.