Evie Wallwork spent the week across Farleys’ offices completing work experience with several different departments. Here she discusses what she got up to.

Monday – Personal Injury

The day began with a meeting with Michael, Megan and Katie surrounding the updates and progress forward with any inquiries alongside formality checks for letters of claim, statements etc. Within this meeting, I was made aware of a main issue with personal injury claims – limitation periods. As I have not read personal injury at university, this was something new and interesting to learn.

Throughout the day, I examined Megan conducting new personal injury enquiries, one of which broadened my understanding of personal injury when the victim is under the age of 18, thus the limitation period may commence from the day the victims turn 18.

Overall, the day consisted of exciting and interesting aspects that have broadened my prospects of what areas of law to enter into when qualifying.

Tuesday – Family

As Finn had a meeting with a client later that day, I was offered the bundle of the case to read through and get to grips with the case. I read a psychological report which was very interesting.

Once the meeting took place, I sat with Finn as she posed questions to the client through an interpreter to help create a statement that would subsequently be given to Counsel.

After, I read another case surrounding the care and welfare of the children. Both cases that I read truly expressed the complexities of family law, yet also the need for legal intervention and protection. I certainly would like to venture into this area of the law.

Wednesday – Commercial

Upon my arrival, I was handed a past case of a TOLATA dispute. I was tasked with reading the witness statements that were accompanied with supporting documents and subsequently considering what I thought the judge’s decision would be within the case. This case surprised me as I did not believe that disputes surrounding land and chattels came under the commercial side of the law – it interested me, especially as I had a preconceived idea that commercial wouldn’t be very of much interest to me.

Throughout the day, similar to the day of personal injury, I examined Anna conduct new enquiries with potential clients.

Additionally, I read two other cases, one involving a breach of contract and the other surrounding a dispute of a will. These cases certainly linked to my university understanding of contracts and land which was great as it shows how the foundational aspects of the law come into play.

These cases were certainly interesting, yet in comparison to the other areas of experience, this is perhaps not an area that I will want to qualify in.

Thursday – Crime

The bulk of the day consisted of one court case. I was able to sit in court and analyse how both the prosecution and the defence conduct themselves in court by cross examining witnesses, defendants and victims whilst also providing the court with an overview of their stance for the case. In this case, I was able to watch Jonathan’s expertise which ultimately led him to win the case for the client.

Additionally, I was able to witness smaller cases and cases of sentencing. A very useful point I discovered is that if the prosecution does not have any witnesses turn up, the case can be dismissed instantaneously. This shocked me a little as this could perhaps be a case of misjustice, especially if witnesses have been threatened. Yet, nonetheless it opened my eyes on the reality of the court situation.

This day was incredibly insightful to the day-to-day life of a solicitor in crime, and despite the hectic nature, I certainly would love to explore a career in crime.

Friday – AADA

Due to two recent publications regarding serious abuse cases, I was tasked with researching and drafting two blog posts for the Farley’s Actions Against Detaining Authorities (AADA) team. I learned that it is important to write blogs about recent cases to bring awareness to victims’ abilities to bring claims.

Afterwards, I read medical records and mental health therapy records and found supporting evidence to show such mental health struggles to help the team build a strong case. I documented this in a review record whilst also highlighting evidence physically.

If you’re interested in completing a work experience placement at Farleys, please complete our application form and a member of the careers team will be in touch if we have a suitable placement available.