Earlier this week the anniversary of Shared Parental Leave passed. The Government introduced the concept so that either parent (whether a spouse, civil partner or a partner who is living in an enduring relationship with the mother and child) could take a period of leave within maternity leave with ShPP – statutory Shared Parental Pay.
A year after the introduction of ShPP it is reported that only 1% of parents have opted to share the maternity leave. There are a number of reasons for this; one of those reasons is the reluctance of the mother to share.
The reports in this respect led me to think about the arrangements for children in general, particularly the arrangements when parents are separated, which can often lead to arguments, anxiety and distress – both to the parents and (of more concern) to the children themselves.
There are a number of different ways in which arrangements for the children can be agreed ranging from the parents simply having discussions and making an arrangement between themselves to an application having to be made for a Child Arrangements Order under the provisions of the Children Act 1989. An application could result in a Judge having to make a decision which can often leave both parents dissatisfied with the arrangement and a reluctance/inability to demonstrate flexibility in the future.
Farleys have a large family team with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in this area.
If you are having difficulties in reaching agreement as to the arrangements for your children with your former partner why not arrange a Case Management Meeting with one of our team (at Blackburn, Accrington, Burnley or Manchester) for some expert advice and guidance both in relation to the law generally and specifically in relation to your situation?
With the information provided you will have a better understanding of what the Court would expect for children and, hopefully, be able to reach an amicable arrangement with your former partner.
In the event that you are unable to reach an agreement as to the arrangements for your children our team are on hand to continue to advise and represent you. If you require further advice please get in touch here or call 0845 287 0939.