During the festive period, your will is possibly the last thing you are thinking about.
Christmas is a time that’s often filled with quality family time, gift giving and receiving; some gifts being rather more substantial than others…
Some Christmas gifts can be expensive and/or sentimental enough for you to want to ensure they are kept in the family for years to come or that they are given to someone in particular in the event of your death.
If you receive any sentimental or high value gifts this Christmas, such as a car, furniture or jewellery, you will need to make the correct provisions in a will to ensure your wishes are put down in writing.
Once the chaos and excitement of Christmas day is over, make sure you take the time to consider whether these possessions need to be added specifically to your will or, if you don’t have a will, whether you should have one drafted.
Another substantial Christmas gift may come in the form of an engagement ring. Christmas has proven itself to be quite a popular time for such announcements.
With engagements come a few changes to your will, which you may wish to make. For example, you may want to include your new fiancé as a beneficiary in your will, or you may wish for the ring to be passed down to a particular family member in the event of your death.
Remember, if you are planning a short engagement, any will which exists before marriage can become invalid once you are married so you may want to make a will in expectation of marriage so it isn’t automatically cancelled.
Executor of Your Will
Circumstances change in life and sometimes people change their minds or need to change the original executor of their will.
Sometimes the original executor may have passed away, or you may have separated from them and wish for your new spouse to replace them.
If you’re looking for advice or assistance on creating or updating your will, please get in touch with us today.
To discuss writing or changing your will, either call 0330 828 3985, or contact us by email.