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Serious Injury Amputation Claims

Serious Injury Amputation Claims

Personal Injury Amputation Claim Solicitors

Suffering a traumatic event such as loosing a limb can have long term health implications, both physical and emotional. Our expert solicitors realise and understand the devastation that our clients experience following the amputation of a limb, and commit ourselves to ensuring they receive the support and guidance they need helping them to over come future challenges they may face.

Here at Farleys our professional team can help you or a loved one gain access to specialist care and rehabilitation, ensuring all the adjustments are made to allow you to move forward with your life. For more information or for a free evaluation of your claim call 01254606008, alternatively please complete the online enquiry form.

Free Online Claim Assessment

Take our free assessment to find out if you have a serious injury claim, or call us on 01254606008.

How Farleys Personal Injury Solicitors Can Support You

Our specialist team are dedicated to ensuring that you receive the support you need to help you overcome the physical and mental distress suffering a serious injury such as a limb amputation can cause. Throughout the course of your claim our expert solicitors will work tirelessly to secure a settlement tailored to your individual circumstance. Working closely with medical professionals we can identify your rehabilitation needs, both now and in the future allowing you to return, where possible, to independent living.

Adjusting to life following the amputation of a limb can often take sometime, both for yourself and your family. As well as offering expert legal advice, handling your claim from your first point of contact until a settlement is reached, we are here to help you through this process of readjustment directing clients to organisations committed restoring and improving the quality of life of those affected by serious injuries.

For an free confidential analysis of your claim please complete the online claim assessment below.

Here at Farleys our team of committed solicitors treat each case with the sensitivity it deserves, priding ourselves on our professional yet compassionate approach. We have a wealth of experience acting on behalf of clients who wish to pursue serious injury claims, and are dedicated to helping our clients overcome traumatic incidents making a positive start.

Our proven track record acting on behalf of clients who have suffered an amputation demonstrates our dedication to securing the best possible outcome on a no win no fee basis, eradicating any financial risk. For an example of a case a previous case, click here.

Contact a Specialist Serious Injuries Solicitor

For more information or to discuss pursuing a serious injuries claim please don’t hesitate to contact Farleys on 01254606008, or complete an online enquiry to begin your claim today.

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