Recent figures published by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have revealed that the number of workplace injuries in the North West are still at a high level, with 19 deaths attributable to workplace accidents in 2009/10.
The figures released last month reported 3,215 major injuries in the workplace in 2009/10 and 129,000 cases of workplace illness.
Whilst this data shows a slight decline in terms of the number of workplace injuries and deaths attributable to accidents at work compared to 2008/09, it is likely that a number of these accidents and deaths could have been prevented had the correct workplace safety equipment and measures been in place.
It is also concerning as these figures are only the reported accidents – there are likely to have been many more injuries and accidents that have gone unreported.
Accidents will happen, but these latest figures suggest that employers are not doing enough to make the working environment safe for their staff. Health and Safety is a serious issue, not simply a box ticking exercise.
We have helped many people in the North West to claim compensation for accidents they have had in the workplace. The accidents that occurred often resulted in terrible and life-altering injuries, which ultimately could have been prevented if adequate equipment or conditions were provided by employers.
Employers have a duty of care to their employees and need to provide a safe environment for employees to complete their work. This includes ensuring that staff are correctly trained in the use of equipment, and are provided with suitable safety clothing and apparatus.