The BBC have today reported on the alleged continuing abuse of children in Oxford. The perpetrators purposely targeted vulnerable at risk girls forcing drugs and alcohol upon them in order to get them to comply with their wishes. Although seven men were jailed for their involvement in the sex grooming ring there are growing concerns that children are still being targeted, both boys and girls are believed to be at risk.
One of the victims of the sex grooming ring confirms that despite the arrests following Operation Bullfinch there are men in Oxford still abusing young children. Speaking out against her abusers the victim said: “I know there’s still men doing it because they wouldn’t suddenly stop now.”
My own experience as a Solicitor specialising in helping the victims of abuse would entirely mirror the comments of the Oxford victim. Speaking to my own clients they confirm that the arrests that did take place in Rochdale only represented a very small percentage of the number of men involved in abuse. Various of the names reported to the Police were not arrested and prosecuted and remain free to walk our streets. Some clients report having been abused in various different towns across the North of England which are yet to have their own Rochdale/Rotherham type exposure.
I firmly believe that there are similar gangs operating in most towns across the North of England and that children will continue to be exploited until the Police crack down on these gangs.
If you have been the victim of abuse and wish to discuss in confidence how our specialist Abuse Team can assist please do not hesitate to contact us on 0845 050 1958, alternatively please complete an online enquiry form. We also run an anonymous online chat facility, for further information, click here.