As the most anticipated sporting event of 2014 is upon us, research carried out by the University of Lancaster has shown that there is a significant increase in domestic violence incidents taking place at home during the World Cup Tournament.
Data gathered throughout the 2002, 2006 and 2010 tournaments has revealed that the rate of violence when England played reached an average 79.3 incidents reported to the police, compared to 58.2 when they were not playing. There was an increase of 26% when the team won or drew and a staggering 38% when the home nation lost. The research also revealed that incidents increased by 11% on the day following matches taking place.
It is felt that there may be several contributing factors to the increase in incidents reported to the police. As the tournament is normally held in the summer months, the warmer temperatures together with an increase in alcohol consumption may contribute to this significant change.
The team behind the research said that “Although it is difficult to say the tournament is a causal factor, the prestigious tournament does concentrate the risk factors into a short and volatile period, thereby intensifying the concepts of masculinity, rivalry and aggression.”
The purpose of the study was to identify patterns of domestic violence and help find new ways to deal with consequences of domestic violence.
The Crime Survey for England and Wales records that there has been a significant increase in domestic violence incidents reported to Lancashire Police from 22,953 in 2007/2008 to 29,465 in 2011/2012. This highlights that there is a clear need for protection in this area against domestic violence.
At Farleys Solicitors LLP, we have solicitors with years of experience providing protection from domestic violence. Our family law solicitors are available to provide expert advice in all areas. Contact our team today or for emergency assistance in relation to a domestic violence incident, please call our 24 hour emergency line on 01254 606050.