Mr C approached Farleys’ personal injury team to pursue a claim on his behalf after he was involved in a life changing road traffic accident in Lancashire.


The accident happened when the car that he was driving was struck by another car whose driver had lost control of their own vehicle.

Mr C was taken by ambulance to hospital. His injuries included a fracture of his spine and multiple soft tissue injuries, as well as the very profound psychological injury. He was kept in hospital where he underwent surgery on his back.

After the accident, Mr C was unable to return to his very physical manual job.

How Farleys Were Able to Help

Mr C asked Nick Molyneux of Farleys’ personal injury team to act on his behalf.

Nick instructed numerous medical experts to prepare reports in relation to the injuries Mr C had suffered and also instructed a care and occupational therapy expert as Mr C was struggling to manage at home.

As with many people, Mr C found his recovery and rehabilitation was disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Court proceedings were issued on behalf of Mr C and Nick instructed a barrister to represent Mr C. The claim was eventually settled following negotiations with the defendant’s representatives and Mr C received damages substantially in excess of £500,000.

After the case, Nick Molyneux said,

It is always pleasing to settle a case without the need for court. In this case, we were able to secure damages to enable Mr C to rebuild his life despite the devastating effects of his injuries.

Contact a Road Traffic Accident Claims Solicitor

Here at Farleys, we have a team of personal injury claims specialists with particular experience in assisting clients who have been seriously injured as a result of road traffic accidents. To discuss your claim with one of our experts, please call 0845 287 0939 or contact us by email.