If there is one thing that this year, more than any other, has taught us it’s that life as we know it can change in an instant. This time last year, no one had really heard of social distancing and a global pandemic was something we’d only seen in history books and through cinema screens. One minute we were out socialising with friends and the next we were locked down in our homes.
Now, we’ve adapted our lives to protect ourselves and our loved ones and some aspects of our lives are now unrecognisable.
Sometimes life moves so fast we forget to take stock of things. Ensuring our loved ones are sufficiently provided for when we are not around anymore is as important in the long-term and washing our hands is in the short-term.
If the events of the last few months have resulted in you making any large changes in your life; buying or selling a property, filing for divorce, getting engaged, or making any significant purchases, it might be wise for you to review your Will, if you have one, and making changes accordingly.
With everything that’s been going on, it’s understandable that the last thing to cross your mind will have been to make or update your Will but now is the time to think about this.
Since lockdown in March, Farleys’ private client team have been working hard to assist clients in drafting new Wills and amending pre-existing ones.
Some clients had seen a significant change in family circumstances since their last Will was drafted, such as a marriage, divorce, birth of a child, or death of a main beneficiary. Others have purchased new property which needed to be included in the Will.
It’s never too early to draft your Will and doing so can provide peace of mind in these uncertain times. Tax planning is also important to ensure your assets are protected and that your loved ones are not hit with a hefty tax bill.
To make or redraft your Will or for advice about trusts and estate planning, contact Farleys Solicitors on 0845 287 0939 or contact us by email.