I have been helping clients bring successful claims against their hairdresser for many years.

When I initially speak to clients they are often surprised that they can bring a claim for hair / scalp damage. But the law is clear – your hairdresser owes you a duty of care to make sure that they don’t cause you any harm and, if they are negligent, you may have grounds for a claim.

What To Do If You Have Suffered Hair or Scalp Damage at the Hairdressers

If you think that you may have suffered harm as a result of a negligent hairdresser then it is important that you don’t visit another salon to have more chemicals applied to the hair or have the damage cut out.

This is because a supportive report will be required from an expert trichologist (hair & scalp expert) who will need to examine your hair and scalp and carry out tests on it. If you’ve had more procedures carried out, then the expert will struggle to prepare a helpful report.

Taking photographs of the damages hair and scalp is also important and make sure they are date and time stamped.

If you complain to the salon then please keep copies of your messages and emails as they can be useful when trying to prove the claim.

Whilst you have three years to issue a claim at court, my advice is to act quickly in hairdressing claims as the damage soon disappears when you have your hair cut or coloured again.

It is important that the hairdresser, or the salon they are employed by, has proper insurance in place. Unfortunately, it is a common problem in the industry for hairdressers, especially those who are renting a seat or mobile, not to have any insurance.

Over the years many clients have assumed that it is a legal requirement to have insurance but believe it or not this isn’t the case. Given that they are dealing with harmful chemicals on a daily basis, this is crazy.

Without proper insurance being in place bringing a claim is very difficult. There is no central register that we can check the insurance position – we just have to commence the claim and hope that the hairdresser fully cooperates.

If there is insurance, then the claim is submitted via an online portal and the insurers have eight weeks to investigate the claim. Once we have their response, we review this together and discuss whether court proceedings are necessary.

Contact a Specialist in Hair Damage Claims

Here at Farleys, we are experts in hair damage claims. We have years of experience in assisting clients who have suffered injury or hair damage from negligent hairdressers in claiming the compensation they deserve. We can often take these cases on a no win no fee basis. To discuss your case with a member of the team in confidence, please call 0845 287 0939, get in touch by email, or use the online chat below.