Farleys were instructed on behalf of Client A in connection with a claim against Greater Manchester Police for false imprisonment, breach of the Human Rights Act 1998, personal injury and breach of the Equality Act 2010, following Client A’s unlawful detention.
Client A suffers with a number of disabilities which significantly affect his mobility, requiring him to use a walking frame and stairlift within the home. When outside Client A relies on a fully powered wheelchair.
In the early hours of the morning, three police officers attended Client A’s home and he was arrested. During the arrest, Client A conveyed his need for his powered wheelchair, but this wasn’t allowed by the officers. Given Client A’s health complications, the officers were also provided with his medication, stressing the need for this to be taken regularly.
Due to his disabilities and limited mobility, Client A suffered several instances of degrading and embarrassing treatment, both during the transport to the police station and upon arrival. He was also not provided his medication.
Client A was placed in a dirty cell which was non-accessible, where he could not access the toilet or cell bell.
Client A was then interviewed; however, again, a wheelchair was not provided to take him to the interview room. A walking frame was provided, but this was not sufficient for the length of the walk to the interview room and Client A collapsed, which was witnessed by his duty solicitor and a support worker. The officers resorted to using a wheeled office chair to move Client A.
Client A was later released without charge.
How Farleys’ Actions Against the Police Department Helped
Following the instruction of Client A, a Letter of Claim was sent to Greater Manchester Police and medical records were considered. An offer to settle the claim was put forward by the defendant. Following negotiations on behalf of Client A, an increased offer was accepted by the defendant. Client A was awarded damages in the sum of £5,000.
To speak with a Farleys solicitor that specialises in actions against the police and other detaining authorities, please email us, call 0845 287 0939, or use the online chat below.