THE first annual report of the Office of the Public Guardian clearly indicates that more people are making powers of attorney – organising what should happen to their financial and health matters should they become ill and lose mental capacity.
The OPG figures show:
1. Nearly three times more people have applied to register a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA’s) than in previous years.
2. The number of applications to the Court of Protection for a finance or health and welfare decision have significantly increased.
3. Nearly three times more investigations into the actions of deputies and attorneys compared to last year.
Probate and Wills partner Philip Taylor comments
“LPAs were introduced by the Mental Capacity Act 2005 from 1st October 2007. They allow individuals to appoint an attorney to look after their property and financial affairs (a Property and Affairs LPA) and also to make health and personal welfare decisions (a Personal Welfare LPA) anticipating that they may lack the capacity to make these decisions themselves in the future. The attorney(s) can only use the LPA after it has been registered with the Office of the Public Guardian.
It is clear that the introduction of the above Act has resulted in a high volume of applications to register Powers of Attorney, a sign that people are increasingly thinking about and planning for their futures.”
Speak with a lawyer now about Lasting Powers of Attorney ast Farleys Solicitors on 0845 287 0939, or e-mail us.