Farleys Solicitors recommends the following legal websites and law resources:
- The Law Society – Representitive body for solicitors and lawyers in England and Wales.
- Legal Services Commission – Government organisation helping people find the right legal service.
- Community Legal Advice – Free, independent legal advice for people in England and Wales.
- Professional Negligence Lawyers Association – Information and advice for both solicitors and private individuals on professional negligence compensation claims.
- Pan-European Organisation of Personal Injury Lawyers – Help and advice for personal injury lawyers on European legal systems.
- Inquest – Help and advice for people dealing with an unlawful death inquiry, especially for deaths in police custody.
- Employment Lawyers Association – Resource and organisation for Employment lawyers and solicitors.
- Criminal Law Solicitors Association – Professional organisation for criminal law solicitors, lawyers and law firms.
- Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution – Non-profit helping people with dispute resolution and conflict management.
- Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) – Organisation offering accreditation to personal injury lawyers and solicitors as well as advice and information for people who have been victims of an accident or injury.
- Association of Lawyers for Children – Advocacy group for children in need of legal help.
- Association of Child Abuse Lawyers – Help and advice for people needing to make a child abuse claim.