Enhancing how we look is great for body image, self confidence and well-being. A trip to the salon is for a many an enjoyable and relaxing experience. Unfortunately, the number of injuries and illnesses caused by certain salon procedures are increasing. The beauty industry becoming evermore demanding with a retail market value of over 15 billion euros in the UK alone. ‘The UK Health & Beauty Market 2017-2022’ revealed that health & beauty will be the fastest growing sector over the next five years.
Due to the lack of regulation, training and experience within the industry and an ever growing market for cheap, effective treatments such as filler and Botox, laser treatments, nail treatments and spa treatments, it comes as no surprise that there are more and more injuries suffered as a result of negligent beauty treatment. A statistical report by the Hair and Beauty Industry Authority (HABIA) revealed that at least 50% of people working in the UK beauty treatment industry are under qualified. Salons are taking on untrained and unqualified members of staff to carry out certain procedures and individual therapists are performing treatments without the proper training or experience.
There are many reasons why Clients may sustain injuries following negligent beauty treatment. For example, failure by the therapist to abide by health and safety regulations, human error from incompetent therapists, allergic reactions to products used without prior patch testing, harmful chemicals, or infections caused by unsterilized equipment.
Injuries could consist of burns of the skin leaving blisters or pigmentation, permanent facial/body scaring or deformities, hair loss, cuts to the skin or infections. Some beauty treatments that have gone wrong can be excruciatingly painful for the Client and in extreme cases can disfigure a client for life leaving detrimental psychological injuries and embarrassment.
Salons/ therapists are under an obligation to advise you of the risks and side effects associated with different types of treatment. Therapists must perform a patch test if the procedure involves chemicals and they should always keep you informed of the kind of products and equipment they will be using in the procedure.
Things to note:
- Always have a consultation before treatment
- Check the salon is regulated by the British Association of Beauty Therapy & Cosmetology
- Have patch tests done
- Check the salon has Public Liability Insurance
- Follow the post-treatment care plan
What do I do if I have suffered a beauty treatment injury?
If you have been injured following a beauty procedure and the therapist acting negligently then you may be able to pursue a claim for compensation. Claims for compensation can be made for the physical and psychological injuries sustained as well as financial loss suffered such as loss of income and income potential, and also the cost of remedial treatment.
- Seek urgent professional medial attention
- Make sure you take photographs
- Keep hold of any documents or receipts which could be used as evidence
- Document all related expenses
- Contact one our experienced team who will provide you with a free claim assessment
It is important to note that claims for personal injury must be brought within 3 years of the treatment in question. Most of our personal injury cases are dealt with on a No Win No Fee basis.
To speak to a specialist to make a claim for an injury suffered following a beauty treatment, get in touch with Farleys’ personal injury team on 0845 2870939 or submit your enquiry online.