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At this time of year, when over indulgence in food and alcohol is commonplace, many of us will look to start the New Year with a healthier a...
In times of apparent doom and gloom for many SMEs across the UK, with many reports indicating that bank lending is still extremely difficult...
This week saw the House of Commons block a bid for all hairdressers to be required by law to register with a professional body. The Hairdres...
Business secretary Vince Cable has recently announced a consultation on changes to employment legislation. The proposed reforms are intended...
Businesses within the North West are the slowest in the country for meeting deadlines for paying bills, a recent surveys shows. The survey, ...
Two Pandas called Sunshine and Sweetie arrived in Edinburgh on the evening of 4 December to start their 10 year stint at the city zoo after ...
Injuries sustained during sporting activities can be controversial when it comes to personal injury claims. Clearly, there is some truth whe...
The long awaited revised EU Waste Framework Directive was finally brought into UK legislation by the Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2...
In recent weeks there has been an increasing number of clients interested in purchasing both residential and commercial property at auction....
As more and more of us amass digital assets on sites such as Flikr and Facebook, people are seriously beginning to consider passing on their...
It was widely reported over the weekend that 13 members of an organised crime ring spanning Lancashire, Merseyside and Cumbria had pleaded g...
A court clerk from London has been sentenced to 6 years in prison for misconduct in public office and 3 years in prison for an offence of br...
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