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On 27th November 2012 a new structure to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme came into force. Under the revised CICA scheme, the minim...
Providing more than nine million jobs throughout the UK and accounting for a quarter of GDP, family businesses underpin Britain's economy. ...
Two recent High Court cases have highlighted the importance of ensuring restrictive covenants in employment contracts are reasonable and kep...
Employment law reform has been back in the headlines in recent months, with Government proffering their determination to "shake-up' the la...
Whether there is a need to streamline the workforce prior to the sale of a business, or matters relating to TUPE regulations (Transfer of Un...
The days when you might hope to advertise your business for sale or call up a competitor and find a buyer who would purchase it outright, le...
Back in May of this year I wrote about the comments made by Richard Alderman, former Director of the Serious Fraud Office, in respect of how...
The Bribery Act 2010 (Bribery Act) came into force on 1st July 2011. Under the Bribery Act an offence is committed by a commercial organisat...
Farleys have created three new roles the past month at our offices in East Lancashire. Iain Church-Taylor, Alex Singer and Amanda Morris hav...
On 11th June 2012 the General Medical Council (GMC) launched the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS) as the new adjudication servi...
A report released today has revealed that thousands of children are sexually abused by gangs and groups in England each year. The interim re...
HMRC have launched a multi million pound campaign to target tax evasion and fraud. The advertising campaign, which consists of billboard adv...
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