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Giedo Van der Garde, a Dutch Formula One (F1) driver has recently succeeded in an action against the Swiss Sauber Racing Team for breach of ...
For many separating couples, the breakdown of a relationship or marriage is characterised as a highly distressing period in their lives fill...
The beautiful weather we have been having of late means that more of us are getting out and about to enjoy the beautiful delights of our Lan...
The family law department at Farleys Solicitors has demonstrated a strong beginning to the financial year with the appointment of a new Equi...
There has been much media attention to Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow’s ‘conscious uncoupling’. More recently it has been reported t...
The green shoots of recovery can be seen in the fields of small businesses. In the last year, small businesses have increased their workforc...
Partner, Paul Corrigan will be taking part in the 35th Virgin Money London Marathon on Sunday 26th April 2015. The famous yet gruelling 26.2...
The January 2015 decision of the National Anti-Doping Panel relating to Welsh athletes Rhys Williams and Gareth Warburton has highlighted th...
The Inquest into the death of Bogdan Wilk was one of the first Inquest cases I had a chance to experience during my time at Farleys. I recal...
New Government ‘reforms’ have recently come into effect resulting in up to a 600% increase in the costs of bringing a case to court. Sma...
Those unfortunate enough to be diagnosed with the deadly disease, Mesothelioma, on or after 25th July 2012, as a result of exposure to asbes...
Hearing loss has become a widespread health concern affecting all age groups, costing the NHS an estimated £450 million a year. A new repor...
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