Making a Head Injury Claim
Our specialist solicitors will be available to support you through the entirety of the claims process, from your initial enquiry to receiving damages. Our expertise in this area allows us to effectively evaluate each case on an individual basis, negotiating a settlement tailored to your needs.
Head injuries go beyond the readily visible, where you have sustained concussion or another form of internal trauma you may be eligible to make a claim. In any case where significant force has impacted upon the skull we advise you seek immediate medical attention to assess the extent of the injury.
Sustaining a serious head injury often requires extensive and costly rehabilitation treatment. Unfortunately, in some cases it is not always possible to make a full recovery, in these circumstances it is essential that this is taken into consideration when agreeing the final settlement. Where quality of life cannot be completely restored, attaining a financial settlement is essential in ensuring you receive high quality medical care and support.
For further details on brain injuries please see the brain injury page. For a free assessment of your claim please complete the online application form.
Here at Farleys our serious injury solicitors are experts in pursuing head injury claims. Wherever possible, we will pursue your claim on a ‘no win no fee’ basis.