If you have suffered a serious physical or psychological injury as a result of an accident at work you could consider making a claim against your employer for damages if it can be proven that their negligence has caused your injury.
Many employees do not wish to pursue a claim against their employers due to the media’s criticism of the ‘claims culture’ in the UK. I feel that in the majority of cases, it is wrong that Claimants are criticised for their decision to make a claim for compensation. Many people struggle significantly and are left in a position which completely alters their way of life due to suffering an injury at work, through no fault of their own.
Health and Safety Regulations in the UK are implemented in order to protect employees from suffering life changing injuries, and if an employer fails to comply with the regulations it is reasonable that they are held to account for their negligence.
Employers should have an Employers’ Liability Insurance Policy so that when a claim is pursued against them, their insurers act on their behalf and help to cover the value of any compensation awarded to an injured employee.
How Would A Claim Help Me?
An accident at work could be life-changing however the effects could be somewhat reduced by seeking compensation for:
- your injury;
- medical treatment;
- loss of past and future earnings;
- loss of enjoyment of various activities;
- damage to personal items; and/or
- travel expenses to various medical appointments.
This list is not exhaustive and you should keep a record of any other expenses that you have reasonably incurred directly as a result of your accident.
What Should I Do If I Have Suffered An Injury At Work?
Employers have a duty of care towards you to ensure that you are safe in carrying out your role. If you have been injured at work as result of your employer breaching this duty of care, it is important to take various steps in order to assist your recovery and to ensure that another employee does not suffer a similar accident.
You should:
record the accident in your employer’s accident book;
see your GP and/or attend hospital if your injuries require medical attention. Ensure that you advise the medical practitioner of the circumstances of your accident so that they can assess whether your injuries are attributable to the accident;
take photographs of your injuries and keep a diary of the development of your injuries and any medical appointments and/or treatment that have you have had to pay for;
- take photographs of the accident location;
if you require assistance at work due to your injuries, make enquiries with your employer;
report your accident to the Health and Safety Executive;
speak to any fellow employees who witnessed the accident, or who are also aware of your employer’s negligent practices; and
ascertain whether any similar incidents have been reported in the press in connection with your employer in the past.
If you feel that you should be compensated for your injury please contact one of our experienced personal injury solicitors by phone on 0845 287 0939 or by email to discuss your prospects of success in making a claim against your employer.