An annual survey from domestic violence charity Women’s Aid has identified gaps in funding for domestic violence services. If the cuts continue, the charity warns that the entire network of service providers for domestic violence victims in England and Wales may collapse.
Domestic violence is still prevalent. Over 1.2 million women were estimated to have experienced domestic violence in England and Wales last year with a shocking average of two women per week being killed by their perpetrators.
Even more worrying is that the survey revealed that 155 women and 103 children were turned away from the first refuge they approached, which seems to be due to cutbacks. The Chief Executive of Women’s Aid has called for the government to ensure adequate funding to the sector to reduce the number of women and children killed by violent partners.
Whilst there have been cutbacks to domestic violence services, what some do not realise is that there is still legal aid available in relation to domestic violence. This means that victims can still access support and protection through legal services. For more information, read outr advice about obtaining legal aid for family law.
If you are experiencing domestic violence Farleys will be able to assist you, whether that be by sending a warning to the perpetrator or, in more serious circumstances, assisting you in making an application to the Court for a protective injunction, namely a Non Molestation Order.
In some cases it may be necessary to apply to the Court for an Occupation Order enabling you to return to your home with your children when there has been domestic violence.
Farleys have a dedicated team of Family lawyers who are discreet, understanding and supportive in your time of need. We work in partnership with the Women’s Centre in Accrington who can offer other services and support to victims.
If you wish to discuss your situation confidentially and receive advice from one of our lawyers regarding domestic violence please don’t hesitate to contact us.
If your case is urgent, we can also be contacted on our emergency line out of office hours on 01254 25552.