Stonewall, an organisation that campaigns for the rights of same sex couples, has published a draft Act of Parliament; aimed at speeding up the process of allowing gay couples to marry.
The government is committed to changing the law in England and Wales to allow same-sex marriage by 2015 and has said that a consultation would be launched in March 2012 as to how to introduce civil marriage for same-sex couples.
Ben Summerskill, the Chief Executive of Stonewall, advised that they had prepared the draft Act to show that only a “simple two-page Bill of five clauses’ was needed; which could easily be included in the Queen’s Speech in May.
The Scottish Government has already announced that it intends to extend the legal form of marriage to same-sex couples.
If you have any queries about your rights as a same-sex partner, please do not hesitate to contact one of our family law solicitors who will be able to offer you legal advice on civil partnerships.