Whether the dawn of a new year has presented the perfect opportunity to start afresh, or if the time spent together over the Christmas break was simply the final straw, today, the first day back at work for many people this year, is statistically the most likely day of the year for couples to decide to divorce.
Nicknamed ‘d-day’, divorce lawyers across the region will today receive an influx of enquiries from spouses who have finally reached breaking point.
It is very sad when couples feel that they have no alternative other than to divorce, especially where there are children involved. Although a distressing and traumatic event in anyone’s life; it may be the case that divorce is a better alternative than staying in a relationship in which the parties are unhappy.
As family lawyers, we do see a particular spike in enquiries relating to divorce at this time of year. With many people off work over the festive period, couples spend much more time together than normal, which can give rise to arguments and fall-outs. With more time to reflect on life coupled with the dawning of a New Year and the impetus to make changes in one’s life, it tends to be the case that when faced with a make or break scenario, it is the break option that becomes favoured.
This year perhaps more than in recent years, family lawyers are predicting a particular peak in enquiries. With the reported increase in property values, couples who have perhaps in recent years been unable to afford to separate due to the poor prospect of a house sale, might find themselves in a more favourable position.
Seeking professional advice at an early stage is the best way forward in order to protect your personal and financial interests and a solicitor experienced in family law will be able to advise you of the options available, what steps to take next and what the likely outcome may be.
Deciding to divorce is a decision not to be taken lightly; and it is important that no rash decisions are made. Consulting with a divorce lawyer can help you to establish your position in relation to the family home, arrangements regarding children and issues in relation to financial matters.
Whilst divorce and separation will always be a painful time, there are affordable and effective ways that enable both parties to reach an agreement, ensuring any children’s best interests are put first and that the courtroom is avoided wherever possible.
As we know this time of year is so difficult for those whose relationships are under strain, we are running free evening advice sessions across our offices in Blackburn and Burnley. Starting on 9th January, the clinics will run every Thursday evening between 5 pm and 7 pm.
For more information, call the family law department at Farleys on 01254 606060 or alternatively, you can email us.