Family murders, disappearances and elaborate train crashes provide TV Soap programmes with drama that attracts the audience of millions of viewers. But whilst the latest kidnap or car explosion provides the drama that keeps us entertained, there are often storylines that not only reflect real life but touch at the heart strings.
The latest Coronation street storyline involving Jack Webster, Kevin Webster’s son, attempts to bring home the serious nature of infections and the devastating impact that sepsis can have on both patient and family.
Jack, played by Kyran Bowes, grazes his knee whilst playing football. Despite the medical centre checking Jack’s wound he is sent home and no antibiotics are given. The boy is then found slumped and unconscious and rushed to hospital.
Sadly, Jack doesn’t respond to antibiosis and the family have to face the reality that Jack could loose his leg.
Tragically, this isn’t fiction. Thousands of people lose their life to sepsis each year and whilst Hospitals and Doctors are being trained on symptoms and pathways, it’s important to act quickly.
Signs of Sepsis include:
Slurred speech or confusion
Extreme shivering or muscle pain
Passing no urine
Severe breathlessness
It feels like you’re going to die
Skin mottled or discoloured
Children can also display very clear signs. Amongst the symptoms include:
- Fast breathing
- Fits
- Bluish looking or pale
- Rash
- Lethargy
- Abnormally cold
Symptoms in babies can include:
- Not feeding
- Vomiting
- No urination for 12 hours
So why is it important to treat infection and sepsis quickly? Well the statistics provided by the SEPSIS TRUST really bring home the reasons:
- 25,000 children are affected by sepsis each year in the UK
- 1 in 4 suffer life changing effects
- 5 people are killed by sepsis every hour
Sepsis affects over 44,000 people a year in the UK and if not treated can cause organ failure and death.
The number of people who are affected by sepsis each year in the UK is alarming. Those affected, outnumber those diagnosed with breast, prostate, and bowel cancer combined. Prompt action is needed by your GP or the hospital staff. Antibiotics need to be administered as soon possible. I have acted for many clients who have lost limbs due to sepsis and sadly, I have represented many families who have lost loved ones through the failure to diagnose and treat Sepsis. This is especially tragic as in many cases, it’s avoidable and it is great to see programmes such as Coronation Street, raising the awareness of Sepsis and its effects, if left untreated.
If you would like more information on sepsis, or if you have been affected and would like advice and support, visit The Sepsis Trust Online.
If you have been affected by sepsis though misdiagnosis or delayed treatment, please get in touch with the medical negligence team at Farleys Solicitors who can discuss whether you have a claim. Call 0845 287 0939 or email us today.