The latest police figures have reported 70 percent rise in sex crimes against children across the Greater Manchester area. In total the number of offences committed from June 2014 -15 rose from 1,207 to 2,026 – highlighting the shocking extent of the issue. Of the incidents reported 1,121 involved victims under the age of 13.
When compared to the national increase in reported child sex crimes of 46 percent, the rise across Greater Manchester appears alarmingly high. The Home office and police attribute this disproportionate increase to the uncovering of historical abuse cases and large scale sexual exploitation scandals such as Rochdale, which have since gained notoriety in regional and national press.
Whilst this shows that a growing number of victims are choosing to make the brave decision to speak out against their abuser, sadly the figures are only the tip of the iceberg in what is still a vastly under-reported area of crime. It is crucial attempting to tackle such offences to ensure that victims feel comfortable coming forward, having the relevant support structures in place to help them through such a traumatic period.
Embracing a victim centric culture is an essential component of this. Some progress has been made in this respect with the launch of the ‘It’s not Okay’ campaign, an online hub providing advice and guidance to those who harbor concerns about vulnerable or at risk children.
For any individual who has sadly been subject to sexual, physical and psychological abuse the long-term emotional affects can be devastating. Children in particular are at a higher risk of sustaining lasting psychological damage that accompanies them long into adulthood. In the majority of cases this can often restrict their ability to form healthy and happy relationships, as they struggle to come to terms with past events.
Although we realise pursing an abuse claim can never fully compensate a victim for the pain and trauma they sustained, it can provide victims with the vital support needed to move forward with their life. Here at Farleys in an attempt to ease that initial fear victims often experience we have launched an online anonymous abuse service allowing victims to talk to a specialist solicitor in an environment in which they feel comfortable. For further information or to speak to a dedicated member of our abuse claims team please don’t hesitate to call 0845 050 1958. Alternatively please complete an online enquiry form.