A 63 year old man has been jailed for abusing two girls 20 years apart in East Lancashire. Kenneth Houston from Laneshawbridge first committed his acts between 1974 and 1979.
Houston denied all of the allegations but following trial at Burnley Crown Court, was found guilty, imprisoned and will be made to sign the Sex Offenders Register for life. There has also been a Sexual Harm Prevention Order made against Houston meaning he must not have any contact with anyone under the age of 16 or allow them to visit his home without the express permission of the head of Social Services for his area and parents who have knowledge of his convictions.
The Judge told Houston that his actions will “haunt the girls forever” when he was convicted of two offences of rape and nine offences of indecent assault. He was also told that his conduct has had a serious effect on his victims.
These victims will undoubtedly suffer significant psychological harm due to the actions of Houston which as correctly pointed out by Judge Lunt will ‘haunt them forever.’ For the girls there is unfortunately no getting away from what happened to them in their early years.
Here at Farleys our abuse department specialises in bringing Criminal Injuries Compensation Claims for those victims who have suffered sexual abuse. We are wholeheartedly committed to achieving the justice that victims of abuse quite rightly deserve and can act whether the abuse occurred recently or historically.
To speak to a member of our experienced team about making a claim, please contact us here.