Today is Plain English Day.

You may find it surprising that a blog from a law firm, a profession has a (often justified!) bad reputation when it comes to the use of jargon, is supporting or even acknowledging this fact.

If you’re a client of ours or have dealt with us for any reason, however, we hope you will not find it too surprising.

The law is, by its very nature, a technical area. After over 50 years of advising and working with clients, however, we know that the majority of people do not wish to be bombarded with gobbledygook or preached to about the various clauses of ‘Acts’ or laws. Most clients want their position and the options available to them to be explained to them in a straightforward manner that they can understand – ie. in plain English.

This is one of the aspects that results in clients returning to us time after time, and has helped us to gain our reputation for providing crystal clear advice.

So if you are bombarded by legal jargon today or any other day, post it below and we will demystify it for you!